Childcare Discrimination Bill Update

The train to legalizing discrimination in Minnesota is blazing ahead at full speed.  The language from HF367/SF610 is included in the Health and Human Services Omnibus bill SF4699 and will be rammed through before the legislative session ends on May 21st.

This could force parents into an impossible dilemma of choosing between putting their child in harm’s way (from liability-free vaccines) while potentially violating their own personal religious beliefs, or not being free to utilize childcare facilities funded by their own tax dollars.

“Child care programs. A child care center licensed under chapter 245A and Minnesota Rules, chapter 9503, and a family child care provider licensed under chapter 245A and Minnesota Rules, chapter 9502, may adopt a policy prohibiting a child over two months of age from enrolling or remaining enrolled in the child care center or family child care program if the child:

(1) has not been immunized in accordance with subdivision 1 or 2 and in accordance with Minnesota Rules, chapter 4604; and

(2) is not exempt from immunizations under subdivision 3, paragraph (a), (c), (e), or (f).”

The change to the current statute will allow childcare centers to refuse to accept children who aren’t fully vaccinated on the recommended schedule, AND to remove families currently enrolled who are not “up-to-date” according to Minnesota guidelines.

Remember – ANY FUTURE VACCINE that the Minnesota Department of Health decides to add to the childhood recommended schedule would be required to attend these daycares.  And rumor has it that MDH will soon be pushing to add the COVID vaccine to the schedule.

While the bill specifically targets Licensed Child Care Centers and Family Providers, it is important to note that many Public School Programs fall under Minnesota Chapter 9503 and are licensed as “Certified Centers”, opening the door for Public Schools to also mandate vaccines in order for a child to participate in Before and After School, and Summer Care.

This law is proposed to begin August 1, 2024, leaving very little time for families to find alternate care.  And although this does not yet affect the school-level exemptions, be assured that the vaccine mandate train is now rolling in Minnesota.

Increasing vaccine uptake through coercion is despicable, but when the state legalizes discrimination against those who shun vaccines for religious reasons, it crosses constitutional lines. 

VSCM will continue the fight to protect your religious freedom.  If your child has been or will be forced out of a taxpayer-funded daycare, and you are considering pursuing legal action against the state, please contact us at