Reporting an Injury
Anyone can report a vaccine injury: health care providers (doctors, nurses, case workers), vaccine manufacturers (typically during studies), and vaccine recipients.
Per the CDC website, vaccine effects can be mild, such as discomfort at the injection site, to severe adverse reactions such as seizures, encephalitis, or even death in some cases.
Many members of the VSCM state that they were obtaining regular vaccinations for themselves or their child until an injury occurred. Many also report that their doctor wasn’t concerned about vaccine reactions (ranging from mild to severe), thus the injuries were never reported.
Report any medical event that occurs after vaccination, even if you cannot be certain that the event was caused by the vaccine. This directive comes direct from the CDC and FDA.
VAERS states: “Under-reporting is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, under-reporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events.”
Bearing this in mind, it is impossible to have a complete picture of vaccine safety. If you or a loved one experiences an injury, encourage them to report their reaction at using the resources below.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)of 1986 requires health professionals and vaccine manufacturers to report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) adverse events that occur after the administration of routinely recommended vaccines.
Vaccine Court
For vaccine injury victims seeking compensation for injury or death, they are often surprised to learn:
- Vaccine cases are only heard by one court in the country, the United States Court of Federal Claims.
- The vaccine manufacturer does not stand trial, nor do they attend or require representation at the hearing.
- Attorney’s fees for victims are paid by the vaccine court, which is funded by a special tax on vaccines; the consumer funds the court, not the vaccine manufacturer(s).
- Court cases take years to be heard; so any expenses for injured parties severely burden their caretakers.
- Several cases for vaccine-induced autism have been heard and rewarded; Hannah Poling made national headlines when her case was won in 2010.