Members and friends of the Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota joined other peaceful advocates around the country to hold demonstrations against forced vaccines on August 31st.

SF1520 (a live bill introduced in 2019) seeks to remove our long-standing conscientious exemption to vaccines in order to attend schools or daycares. Minnesota is not alone. There has been a massive, well-funded attack on vaccine exemptions in states all over the U.S., due in large part to the fact that consumers are becoming more educated about the dangers of vaccines and the complete lack of proper pre-licensure vaccine safety studies.

As people become enlightened and share what they’ve learned with others, vaccine makers (along with the legislators, media outlets, and medical facilities they fund) become more desperate. They manufacture fear-based propaganda to garner support, and when that doesn’t work they use their immense financial influence to censor those who report facts about vaccine dangers. But the truth is still getting out. So it seems their last alternative is to literally force these products on unwilling citizens.

What YOU can do to help:
- Contact your Minnesota senator and representative and tell them you do not support any law that would further impede your right to CHOOSE when or whether to receive vaccines. These are products that can cause horrific, lifelong disability or death, and once recommended by the CDC, their manufacturers bear no liability for adverse reactions
Find out who represents you here: https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/districts/ - Ask your senator and representative to author or sign on to one of the five identical resolutions introduced in 2019, which would petition Congress to override a single paragraph of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986: 42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-22(b)(1). This action would again allow consumers who are harmed or killed by vaccines to file design defect claims against pharmaceutical companies. (Bill numbers: SF2781, SF2831, SF2911, HF2825, and HF2862)
- Join us at the Vaccination Awareness Event in Alexandria, MN on September 14th. An amazing lineup of speakers will present facts about vaccines and the corrupt U.S. vaccine policy.
https://www.facebook.com/events/337023693800820/ - Let us know on Facebook or email if you want to participate in future educational flash mobs.
info@vaccinesafetycouncilminnesota.org https://www.facebook.com/SafetyCouncilofMN/ - Buy your T-shirt now, so you are ready for our next educational flash mob. They can be purchased by going to our “Donate” button and using the PayPal link. T-shirts are $20 each, and any proceeds will help us fund future flash mobs and create educational materials. Please indicate the size you want, and whether you want men’s or women’s cut. And be sure to include your address for shipping.
- Keep educating yourself and others! We can no longer count on our “bought” regulatory agencies to serve and protect us. The CDC is essentially in the vaccine business since they own dozens of vaccine patents.
Remember – because there is RISK, there must be CHOICE!!