Update on HF367 Hearing

HF367 was heard in the House Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee on Tuesday, March 19th. 

This bill (and Senate companion bill SF610) would allow daycare providers to discriminate against children who have not received every vaccine on the recommended schedule by preventing those children from attending.  This would include any future vaccines the state of Minnesota decides to add to our “recommended” schedule.

It would amend the current, long-standing statute allowing exemptions from vaccines due to the conscientiously held beliefs (including religious beliefs) of the parent or guardian of the child. The new bill language is: 

“This exemption does not apply to a child care center licensed under chapter 245A and Minnesota Rules, chapter 9503, and a family child care provider licensed under chapter 245A and Minnesota Rules, chapter 9502. A child care center or family child care provider may adopt a policy prohibiting a child over the age of two months who has not been immunized in accordance with subdivision 1 and Minnesota Rules, chapter 4604, from enrolling or remaining enrolled in the child care center or the family child care program.”

VSCM Executive Director Patti Carroll testifying against HF367

Watch the full hearing below:

The discussion of HF367 begins at 37:30 into the video.

There was some great testimony given against the bill from health freedom advocates, and there was testimony supporting the bill by the groups that have a financial interest in promoting vaccines.

We also heard from a lobbyist for a large daycare conglomerate in Minnesota, and Dr. Sheldon Berkowitz – who was of course in support of the bill but who completely misinformed the committee about what vaccines can and cannot do.

Representative Freiberg – the sole author of the bill – repeatedly and incorrectly referred to our Minnesota exemption as a “Personal Belief” exemption.  This was a clear attempt to minimize the important reasons people choose not to vaccinate.  He knows very well that our CONSCIENTIOUS exemption encompasses matters of faith, and that to take away the option to choose would infringe on our religious freedom.

The bill is packaged simply as a way for private businesses to manage risks for their customers, but Dr. Berkowitz (maybe inadvertently) revealed the true purpose of the bill – which is to increase vaccine rates.  Representative Walter Hudson did an excellent job of calling out the fact that the only way this will increase vaccine rates is through COERCION, and most often in minority communities.

Representative Hicks stated that she expects every other parent to put their child in harm’s way and be forced to take vaccines to protect HER daughter – who WAS VACCINE-INJURED HERSELF!  Others parroted the false claim that allowing daycare providers to discriminate against the non-vaccinated would somehow “protect” children, despite the fact that it was pointed out by two testifiers that FDA licensing standards do not require that vaccines prevent infection or transmission.

The sad fact is, when someone is vaccinated and believes they are then incapable of getting or spreading disease, they are far more likely to be out in public (and attending daycare and school).  So it’s the vaccinated children and adults who are the “superspreaders”.

Observing the level of indoctrination in the room was mind-boggling.  Two testifiers and TWO COMMITTEE MEMBERS have children who were gravely harmed by vaccines!  The Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota distributed our injury story booklet to committed members, which contains dozens of stories of vaccine injuries and deaths among Minnesotans.  Feel free to download a copy here, or share the link with your elected officials.

And yet, with all this evidence of harm, Representative Freiberg made the bizarre claim that vaccines are SAFE!  There were gasps and laughter from the audience at this brazen lie.

The bill was passed on party lines, and Chair Pinto told us afterward that it may go to a floor vote or would more likely be lumped into a massive omnibus bill (that no one has time to read and only chosen legislators get to vote on).  We believe this cowardly method of passing unpopular bills should be done away with altogether. 

We ask all safety advocates to keep the pressure on, and continue calling and sending emails to committee members (and their own elected officials) about this bill. 


Example message you can send to your Senator and Representative:

If passed, SF610/HF367 would allow daycare providers to discriminate against children who have not received all recommended vaccines in Minnesota.  This would be a clear violation of religious rights and human rights. 
As a lawmaker, you are surely aware that the FDA has stated:  
By the FDA’s own standards, there is no such thing as a “vaccine-preventable disease”.  A child who was vaccinated can get and spread disease as much or even more than a non-vaccinated child.  Copy and follow the link below to view the document where this admission is made: 

Knowing that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of disease AND knowing that thousands of children are harmed or killed by vaccines every year, there is absolutely no good reason to force healthy children to receive these potentially dangerous products in order to be able to attend a daycare center.
Do the right thing, and vote NO on SF610/HF367!

(We also encourage you to add a personal story about discrimination against our children and why it’s imperative that we prevent it!) 

Remember that the CDC quietly changed their definition of a vaccine, once it was revealed that they and the FDA had lied about the efficacy of the COVID shots.  

And although our captive federal regulatory agencies managed to cover up the truth for years, it is now widely known that:

  • Vaccines DO NOT prevent recipients from getting or spreading disease.  
  • Drug companies bear no liability for harm and death from vaccines.
  • Vaccines can cause devastating permanent injuries and deaths.

So – because there is risk (and no discernible benefit) – 


Thank you for standing up and speaking out against discrimination, coercion, and government overreach.