Restricts exemptions to vaccination

SF 380/HF 393
Contact your legislators and ask them to oppose SF 380/HF 393
Still active bills, carried over from 2015

UPDATE: 3/5/2106 – While SF 380 and HF 393, to restrict exemptions to vaccination, failed to move forward in 2015 they are still alive.

The session starts on Tuesday March 8th with HF 393/SF 380 Vaccine Exemption Modification bills still alive.

  • This bill now requires parents to write a statement of why they choose not to have their child receive a vaccine and to have that statement recorded in the child’s medical record
  • This bill raises questions of data privacy for those parents who choose exemptions
  • Amendments to improve parental informed consent, and protect physician independence, were rejected
  • This bill still allows a physician to refuse to sign the certificate, which could lead to “doctor-shopping” and, therefore, increased costs and coercion for parents
  • This bill may have negative repercussions on physicians who sign certificates for patients requesting exemptions

Please Attend Lobby Day March 22 to protect vaccine exemption rights.  For more information, see the announcement section.