SF610 was heard in the Senate HHS Committee on Thursday, February 15th.
This bill (and House companion bill HF367) would allow daycare providers to discriminate against children who have not received every vaccine on the recommended schedule by preventing those children from attending.
It would amend the current, long-standing statute allowing exemptions from vaccines due to the conscientiously held beliefs (which include matters of faith) of the parent or guardian of the child. The new bill language is:
“This exemption does not apply to a child care center licensed under chapter 245A and Minnesota Rules, chapter 9503, and a family child care provider licensed under chapter 245A and Minnesota Rules, chapter 9502. A child care center or family child care provider may adopt a policy prohibiting a child over the age of two months who has not been immunized in accordance with subdivision 1 and Minnesota Rules, chapter 4604, from enrolling or remaining enrolled in the child care center or the family child care program.”
Click here to watch the hearing:
There was an abundance of great testimony against the bill, and we encourage you to watch the entire hearing. The lobbyist for the Minnesota Medical Association was in attendance, and MMA (of course) submitted written testimony in support of this bill. We saw the usual show of support from MMA, MDH, AAP, and other groups that have a financial interest in promoting vaccines.
We also heard from a number of daycare providers, most in support of the bill and most woefully misinformed about what vaccines can and cannot do.
There were repeated pleas for lawmakers to help daycare providers “protect” the children in their care by allowing providers to discriminate against non-vaccinated children. Observing this level of indoctrination is mind-boggling for those who actually study vaccine science and policy, since vaccines by definition do not protect anyone from getting or transmitting disease.

The sad fact is, when someone is vaccinated and believes they are then incapable of getting or spreading disease, they are far more likely to be out in public (and attending daycare and school). So it’s the vaccinated children and adults who are the “superspreaders”.
Senator Lieske introduced an amendment that would have added back the section of the statute that allows a conscientious exemption, and it was unfortunately voted down on party lines.
Senators Abeler, Lieske and Utke voted for the amendment, and Senators Boldon, Kupec, Mann, Morrison and Wicklund voted against. Senator Hoffman was not in attendance at the hearing.
The bill was laid over for future consideration and not voted on at the hearing.
This does NOT mean the bill won’t move, nor that language from the bill won’t be added to another bill. We ask all safety advocates to keep the pressure on, and continue calling and sending emails to committee members (and their own elected officials) about this bill.

Here is an example message you can send to your Senator and Representative:
If passed, SF610/HF367 would allow daycare providers to discriminate against children who have not received all recommended vaccines in Minnesota. This would be a clear violation of religious rights and human rights.
As a lawmaker, you are surely aware that the FDA has stated:
“FDA’S LICENSURE STANDARDS FOR VACCINES DO NOT REQUIRE DEMONSTRATION OF THE PREVENTION OF INFECTION OR TRANSMISSION”.By the FDA’s own standards, there is no such thing as a “vaccine-preventable disease”. A child who was vaccinated can get and spread disease as much or even more than a non-vaccinated child. Copy and follow the link below to view the document where this admission is made:
https://a1b84125-abd3-46ff-9c88-878b61b13190.usrfiles.com/ugd/a1b841_e6572ce2004644ef9d643d60cd7a610a.pdfKnowing that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of disease AND knowing that thousands of children are harmed or killed by vaccines every year, there is absolutely no good reason to force healthy children to receive these potentially dangerous products in order to be able to attend a daycare center.
Do the right thing, and vote NO on SF610/HF367!
(We also encourage you to add a personal story about discrimination against our children and why it’s imperative that we prevent it!)
Please continue to call and send comments to members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee to tell them why you oppose SF610. Email addresses and phone numbers are listed below:
Senator Paul Utke: sen.paul.utke@senate.mn Phone: 651-296-9651
Senator Jim Abeler: sen.jim.abeler@senate.mn Phone: 651-296-3733
Senator Bill Lieske: sen.bill.lieske@senate.mn Phone: 651-296-5019
Senator Melissa Wiklund:
(mail form) https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1209 Phone: 651-297-8061
Senator Alice Mann:
(mail form) https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1270 Phone: 651-296-6238
Senator Liz Boldon:
(mail form) https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1259 Phone: 651-296-3903
Senator Robert Kupec:
(mail form) https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1253 Phone: 651-296-3205
Senator Kelly Morrison:
(mail form) https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1268 Phone: 651-296-9261
Senator John Hoffman:
(mail form) https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1205 Phone: 651-296-4154
In addition, we ask that you preemptively reach out to members of the House Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee, where the companion bill (HF367) would be heard if chairman Pinto allows. Email addresses and phone numbers are below:
Committee Chair
Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL) District: 64B
Email: rep.dave.pinto@house.mn.gov
Vice Chair
Rep. Heather Keeler (DFL) District: 04A
Email: rep.heather.keeler@house.mn.gov
Republican Lead
Rep. Brian Daniels (R) District: 19A
Email: rep.brian.daniels@house.mn.gov
Rep. John Burkel (R) District: 01A
Email: rep.john.burkel@house.mn.gov
Rep. Nathan Coulter (DFL) District: 51B
Email: rep.nathan.coulter@house.mn.gov
Rep. Ben Davis (R) District: 06A
Email: rep.ben.davis@house.mn.gov
Rep. Jessica Hanson (DFL) District: 55A
Email: rep.jessica.hanson@house.mn.gov
Rep. Amanda Hemmingsen-Jaeger (DFL) District: 47A
Email: rep.amanda.hemmingsen-jaeger@house.mn.gov
Rep. Kim Hicks (DFL) District: 25A
Email: rep.kim.hicks@house.mn.gov
Rep. Walter Hudson (R) District: 30A
Email: rep.walter.hudson@house.mn.gov
Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn (DFL) District: 49B
Email: rep.carlie.kotyza-witthuhn@house.mn.gov
Rep. Liz Lee (DFL) District: 67A
Email: rep.liz.lee@house.mn.gov
Rep. Nathan Nelson (R) District: 11B
Email: rep.nathan.nelson@house.mn.gov
Rep. María Isa Pérez-Vega (DFL) District: 65B
Email: rep.maria.isa.perez-vega@house.mn.gov
Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar (R) District: 03B
Email: rep.natalie.zeleznikar@house.mn.gov
We believe our elected officials should now be repealing
any vaccine discrimination, rather than legalizing it!
Remember, the CDC quietly changed their definition of a vaccine, once it was revealed that they and the FDA had lied about the efficacy of the COVID shots.
And although our captive federal regulatory agencies managed to cover up the truth for years, it is now widely known that:
- Vaccines DO NOT prevent recipients from getting or spreading disease.
- Drug companies bear no liability for harm and death from vaccines.
- Vaccines can cause devastating permanent injuries and deaths.
So – because there is risk (and no discernible benefit) –
Thank you for standing up and speaking out against discrimination, coercion, and government overreach.